Coaching amateur musicians
by the Netherlands Bach Society
The Netherlands Bach Society coaches and supports the young early music ensemble Collegium Musicum Traiectum. By transferring knowledge to amateurs, we hope to contribute to the development of the early music practice.
One of the spearheads of the Netherlands Bach Society is to contribute to the development of the historic performance practice. Apart from the Young Bach Fellowship, our platform for young professional musicians who want to develop further in Baroque music, we also do this within the amateur music world. We find it important to collaborate with an early music ensemble like Collegium Musicum Traiectum (CMT). Shunske Sato (violin), Benny Aghassi (bassoon), Mark Geelen (trumpet) and Lauren Armishaw (soprano) have worked with CMT's musicians to coach them and transfer knowledge. In this way, the Netherlands Bach Society keeps the connection with amateur musicians alive and works together to keep early music alive!