Reflect with Bach

Joke Hermsen about nostalgia

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Joke Hermsen about nostalgia Joke Hermsen about nostalgia

The background

Joke Hermsen about nostalgia

Churches are gradually emptying, yet everyone still needs moments of contemplation. Reflect with Bach is just such a moment. For each edition, the unconventional Flemish poet Maud Vanhauwaert, presenter Lex Bohlmeijer and the Netherlands Bach Society are joined by a different writer and thinker, to explore the universal themes of life and offer tranquillity through the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Today’s theme is: nostalgia. With: writer Joke Hermsen.

This concert is part of the series Reflect with Bach.
Please note: the spoken language of this series is Dutch.

The concert

Works and Performance


Johann Sebastian Bach
Ich habe genug, BWV 82


Netherlands Bach Society
Stephan MacLeod – leader and bass


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  • Utrecht, TivoliVredenburg, Grote Zaal

    Ticket sales by TivoliVredenburg | for more information click order

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Ich habe genung

cantatas, BWV 82