Utrecht, TivoliVredenburg, Grote Zaal
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Churches are gradually emptying, yet everyone still needs moments of contemplation. Reflect with Bach is just such a moment. For each edition, the unconventional Flemish poet Maud Vanhauwaert, presenter Lex Bohlmeijer and the Netherlands Bach Society are joined by a different writer and thinker, to explore the universal themes of life and offer tranquillity through the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Today’s theme is: acceptance. With: philosopher Marjan Slob.
This concert is part of the series Reflect with Bach.
Please note: the spoken language of this series is Dutch.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106
Netherlands Bach Society
Lionel Meunier – leader and bass
Ticket sales by TivoliVredenburg | for more information click order
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