Info & questions
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Season 2025-2026
Ticket sales for our concerts in Grote Kerk Naarden (including St. Matthew Passion 2026) start on Monday 2 June 2025 at 10:00 am. Friends of the Netherlands Bach Society get priority for two weeks and can order from Monday 19 May 2025 at 10:00 am.
Series sales for the 2025-2026 season start on Monday 12 May 2025 at 10:00 am. Friends of the Netherlands Bach Society get priority for two weeks and can order a series from Monday 28 April 2025 at 10:00 am.* You can order a series until 1 September 2025.
*Please note: the St. Matthew Passion on Good Friday is not part of a series.
Series sales* | Single tickets** |
Patrons, Maecenas and sponsors Monday 24 March 2025, 10:00 am. |
Patrons, Maecenas and sponsors Monday 24 March 2025, 10:00 am. |
Five-year donors from €250 Monday 31 March 2025, 10:00 am. |
Five-year donors from €250 Monday 31 March 2025, 10:00 am. |
Friends Monday 28 April 2025, 10:00 am. |
Friends Monday 19 May 2025, 10:00 am. |
Start sales Monday 12 May 2025, 10:00 am. |
Start sales Monday 2 June 2025, 10:00 am. |
* Series Amsterdam, Naarden or Utrecht. See Series sales for more information.
** Single tickets only concern concerts in Grote Kerk Naarden.
Tickets for individual concerts
Please check our concert agenda for an overview of our concerts. Tickets for concerts in Grote Kerk Naarden can be bought via our website.
For our other concerts, tickets are sold directly by the respective concert hall. You will be redirected to their website in order to book tickets (provided that ticket sales have started at the concert hall concerned).
How do I order tickets?
• You can order tickets via our concert calendar
• Log in with your e-mail address and password (new customers need to create an account first)
• Select the concert of your choice
• Choose your seats
• You can pay by iDeal or credit card
• You will immediately receive an e-mail confirmation with a link to download your tickets; tickets can also be sent to you by post.
Payment information
Tickets for series and individual concerts can be paid for directly through iDeal (Dutch bank accounts only) or credit card (MasterCard or VISA). Payment by American Express or by direct debit is not ppossible. Tickets by post are subject to a € 5,50 surcharge for administration and postage costs. For e-tickets, there is no extra charge.
Youth rate
For our concerts in Naarden* there is a youth rate up to 16 years of age for € 10 and a rate up to 29 years of age for € 17.50. Choose the correct discount rate when buying your tickets. You can then attend the concert on presentation of an ID card.
*excl. the St Matthew Passion.
Exchanging or cancelling tickets
Have you ordered tickets for a concert in Grote Kerk Naarden? Then you can only exchange your tickets for another concert in Grote Kerk Naarden for which regular ticket sales have already started.* Unfortunately, we are not allowed to give refunds. Please contact our Communication & Ticket Sales Department no later than two working days before the concert. Did you purchase your tickets through a concert hall? Then you cannot exchange or cancel your tickets via the Bach Society. In this case, please contact the concert hall where you bought your tickets.
* With the exception of tickets for the St Matthew Passion; unfortunately we can't take back or resell these tickets. You can make someone else happy with the tickets, or offer them for sale via the resale service on our website (only available in Dutch). In this way, you can resell your tickets directly to other interested parties, without the intervention of the Bach Society.
Wheelchair spaces
Wheelchair spaces are available for all concerts in Naarden. It is not possible to book them online, even for series. Due to limited availability, they must be reserved by contacting our Communication & Ticket Sales department on telephone number +31 (0)30 - 251 3413 (openinghours Box Office).
Lost your tickets?
Can't find your tickets anymore? You can download your e-tickets again in your own account on Do you have paper tickets? Send an e-maill to or contact our Communication & Ticket Sales Department by phone +31 (0)30 - 251 3413.(openinghours Box Office).
Seating plans
On our website, you can find the seating plans of TivoliVredenburg, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ and the Grote Kerk Naarden (NB: the St Matthew Passion has a separate seating plan).
Concert information
Once you have purchased your ticket from the Bach Society, you will receive an e-mail with concert information about two days in advance. It contains all the start, intermission and end times of the concert and any special details.
Numbered seats or free seating
A ticket for a numbered seat guarantees a specific seat. If tickets are sold with a free seating arrangement, you can choose your own seat. In that case, make sure you arrive well in advance of the concert.
Accessibility for disabled visitors
For our concerts in Naarden, we have special wheelchair spaces, there is a disabled toilet in the church and there are three disabled parking spaces in Naarden-Vesting, at Adriaan Dortsmanplein: two at Kooltjesbuurt and one at Gasthuisstraat (next to the Town Hall). For the St Matthew Passion on Good Friday, you will need a special drive-through permit, which you can obtain by contacting our Communication & Ticket Sales Department. Our concerts in Naarden are not amplified and unfortunately there is no hearing loop in the Grote Kerk.
St. Matthew Passion 2025
Single ticket sales for the 2024-2025 season started on 13 May 2024. Friends of the Netherlands Bach Society were given priority for two weeks and could order from 29 April 2024.
Series sales for the 2024-2025 season started on 22 April 2024. Friends of the Netherlands Bach Society were given priority for two weeks and could order a series from 8 April 2024.* You could order a series until 1 September 2024.
*Please note: the St. Matthew Passion on Good Friday is not part of a series.
St. Matthew Passion 2026
Single ticket sales for the 2025-2026 season start on 2 June 2025. Friends of the Netherlands Bach Society get priority for two weeks and can order from 19 May 2025.
Series sales for the 2025-2026 season start on 12 May 2025. Friends of the Netherlands Bach Society get priority for two weeks and can order a series from 28 April 2025.* You can order a series until 1 September 2025.
*Please note: the St. Matthew Passion on Good Friday is not part of a series.
Exchange or cancel tickets
Do you have concert tickets left for the St. Matthew Passion in Naarden, or are you unable to attend? Unfortunately, we cannot take back your tickets or resell them for you, not even at the box office prior to the concert. You can make someone else happy with your tickets, or offer them for sale on our website. In this way you can resell your tickets directly to other interested parties (whom we refer to the relevant page), without the intervention of the Bach Society. Our resale service. (Only available in Dutch).
View on stage
The 1st gold and 1st rank seats are close to the stage. On the 2nd to 5th ranks you are seated further from the stage and your view may be obstructed, for example by pillars, the choir fence or the fence around the baptismal garden. Therefore, there are television screens around all these places, so that everyone can see what is happening live on stage. Want to know more? View our map.
Program booklet
The St. Matthew Passion program booklet in Naarden is free of charge. Unfortunately, we do not have an English version. Besides information about the piece and the performers, the program booklet also contains the full text of the St Matthew Passion. View the Dutch program booklet online: