Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht
BWV 505 performed by Charles Daniels,
Mieneke van der Velden and Fred Jacobs
at the Bartolotti House, Amsterdam
Behind the music
Evidence at last
This simple yet true aria is almost certainly by Bach
In Schemelli’s songbook, the sacred song Vergiss mein nicht is accompanied by the note ‘di S. Bach D. M. Lips’. The latter stands for ‘director musices Lipsiensis’ (music director of the city of Leipzig). So evidence at last, or at least a strong clue, that Bach did indeed supply new music for Schemelli’s Gesangbuch! Vergiss mein nicht is a simple aria, but a true one, to the point of lyricism. In the collection, the text comes under the heading of ‘Vom zeitlichen Kreuz und Leiden’. The author begs for God’s divine assistance in all sorts of earthly needs and distress, until death.
Musicalisches Gesang-Buch G.C. Schemelli
In the eighteenth century, sacred songbooks for private use were an important aid in simple, domestic devotion. For example, no fewer than 17 editions of Johann Freylinghausen’s Geistreiches Gesangbuch were published between 1704 and 1734. Two years later, pietist Georg Christian Schemmel, alias Schemelli, launched his own songbook, containing no fewer than 954 songs, 69 of which included melody, text incipit and figured bass. In order to outdo the competition, he involved probably the most famous music consultant of all time, who happened to be his son’s music teacher: Bach. Following intensive research, only three of the 21 original melodies in the collection (BWV 439-509) can be attributed with certainty to the cantor at the Thomasschule: BWV 452, 478 and 505. The others are accompaniments, revisions and improvements. Bach’s precise role in Schemelli’s Gesangbuch will probably always remain a mystery.
- 505
- Title
- Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht
- Instrument
- tenor
- Genre
- songs and arias
- Serie
- Schemelli's Musicalisches Gesang-Buch
- Year
- 1722-1725
- City
- Köthen/Leipzig
With support from
Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds
Extra videos
Vocal texts
Vergiss mein nicht,
vergiss mein nicht, mein allerliebster Gott.
Ach! höre doch mein Flehen,
ach! lass mir Gnad geschehen,
wenn ich hab Angst und Not,
du meine Zuversicht,
vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht.
Vergiss mein nicht,
vergiss mein nicht, ach! treibe fern von mir
des bösen Feindes Tücke,
ingleichen das Gelücke,
das mich nur trennt von dir,
du meines Lebens Licht,
vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht.
Vergiss mein nicht,
vergiss mein nicht, mein allerliebster Gott.
Vergib mir meine Sünden,
ach! lass mich Gnade finden,
so hat es keine Not,
wenn solche mich anficht,
vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht.
Vergiss mein nicht,
vergiss mein nicht, wenn mich die böse Welt
mit ihrer Bosheit plaget
und mir von Schätzen saget,
die sie doch nicht behält,
ich bin ihr nicht verpflicht',
vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht.
Vergiss mein nicht,
vergiss mein nicht, wenn itzt der herbe Tod
mir nimmt mein zeitlich Leben,
du kannst ein bessres geben,
mein allerliebster Gott;
hör, wenn dein Kind noch spricht:
Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht!
Remember me,
Remember me, my most beloved God.
Oh! Listen to my pleading,
Oh! For grace interceding,
Here in my fear and need.
My only certainty:
Remember me, remember me.
Remember me,
Remember me, oh! from me drive away
The Devil’s fiendish scheming
Or any fortune, gleaming,
That could drive me astray.
The light of life indeed:
Remember me, remember me.
Remember me,
Remember me, my most beloved God,
Forgive me my all my sinning,
Your grace may I be winning,
Then nothing can distress
When troubles round me press,
Remember me, remember me.
Remember me,
Remember me, when this world where I live
Torments me with distortions
And whispers of the fortunes
That are not hers to give.
From her chains I am free,
Remember me, remember me.
Remember me,
Remember me, when bitter death comes near
And takes me from the living,
A better life you’re giving,
My God, of all most dear.
Hear your dear child’s plea:
Remember me, remember me.
translation © Ruth van Baak Griffioen, 2020
- Release date
- 9 August 2019
- Recording date
- 12 May 2018
- Location
- Bartolotti House, Amsterdam
- Tenor
- Charles Daniels
- Viola da gamba
- Mieneke van der Velden
- Theorbo
- Fred Jacobs
- Director, camera and lights
- Gijs Besseling
- Music redording
- Guido Tichelman, Bastiaan Kuijt
- Music edit and mix
- Guido Tichelman
- Camera, lights
- Nina Badoux
- Camera and lighting assistant
- Eline Eestermans
- Interview
- Onno van Ameijde, Marloes Biermans
- Producer concert
- Marco Meijdam
- Producer film
- Jessie Verbrugh
- With support from
- Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds
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